Office Pro v5.1 For Android Apk New Version
Free Download Aplikasi Office Pro v5.1 For Android Apk New Version Gratis | - Selanjutnya admin akan berbagi aplikasi terbaru yang tadinya bisa digunakan dikomputer atau Laptop, sekarang admin mendesain dengan fitur yang lebih ringan dan mudah untuk digunakan yaitu Office Pro v5.1 For Android Apk New Version.
Jadi bila anda mau membuat suatu pekrjaan atau tugas anda tidak perlu kuatir lagi karena sudah hadir didepan anda hanya dengan menggunakan ponsel.
Langsung saja sudah sob download melalui tautan dibawah ini dan rasakan mengoperasikan.
Office Pro Features :
- Easy to use (user friendly), Fast and Smooth(great Engine, minimum loading time), Minimum permissions required (giving you the confidence you need to Choose Office Pro).
- Word Editor, all in one, Supports all MS Word files format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .xml), And MS Word encrypted files.
- Excel Editor, Supports all MS Excel files format (.xls, .xlsx, .csv), And MS Excel encrypted files. Supports all formulas, calculate formulas automatically, easy yet advanced editor, Offers many unique features that you won’t find in any other app.
- PowerPoint Editor, Supports all MS PowerPoint files format (.ppt, .pptx), And MS PowerPoint encrypted files. Offers many unique features that you won’t find in any other app.
- Painter Editor, lets you create or edit painting and pictures professionally.
- Print straight from your phone, attach to an Email or as the email content, Easy access to Cloud servers, access your files from anywhere.
- Fonts pack is included (adding private fonts is supported, add your own fonts), Special and unique features, Dynamic interface, Soft keyboard and Bluetooth/external keyboard is supported.
- Advanced CSV Editor lets you Edit in place, Search and edit(unique feature), Sort according to any column acceding/descending, Sum any column, Add one CSV to another, you can unite many CSV files into one, option to change the text color, background color, highlighting color and cell size, loads many records as your file is, easy navigation between the pages.
- Our support team is always willing to help and always here for you.
Yang baru dalam versi ini :
- Added easy file searching and all device file search with name filter.
- File browser improved.
Demikian sob ulasan yang admin share tentang aplikasi Office Pro for Android ini, semoga artikel yang admin share dapat membantu dan bermanfaat unuk anda semua, sekian dan terimakasih.
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