QuickEdit Text Editor Pro Apk v1.2.2 Terbaru
Free Download Aplikasi QuickEdit Text Editor Pro Apk v1.2.2 For Android Terbaru - Slemat malam sobat, pada kesemopatan kali ini admin blog download slametandroid.blogspot.com akan berbagi sebuah aplikasi pro android terbaru yang bernama QuickEdit Text Editor Pro Apk. Mencakup banyak optimasi kinerja dan pengalaman pengguna, kecepatan dan umpan balik jauh lebih baik daripada yang diterbitkan aplikasi editor teks di Google Play. Anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai editor teks atau editor kode untuk file teks normal dan file pemrograman.
App Features :
- Enhanced notepad application with numerous improvements.
- Code editor and syntax highlight for 40+ languages (C++, C#, Java, HTML, CSS, XML, Javascript, PHP, etc).
- High performance and real time feedback on large text files (more than 10,000 lines).
- Show and hide line numbers.
- Undo and redo modifications without limit.
- Display, increase and decrease line indents.
- Fast selection and editing.
- Smooth scroll in both vertical and horizontal direction.
- Directly goto specified line number.
- Quickly search and replace.
- Easily input color hex.
- Automatically detect character encoding.
- Auto indent for new lines.
- Open file from recent opened and added files.
- Be able to edit system files for rooted devices.
- Support both light and dark theme.
- Optimized for both phone and tablet.
- Ad-free version.
Yang baru dalam versi ini :
- Support reopen files for next launch
- Remember file modifications when application is killed by system
- Support additional keyboard for fast programming
- Support full screen mode
- Turn on/off file type filter when open files
- Support default encoding when open files
- More material design, accent color for each theme
- Lots of bug fixes
- App size is reduced to 1.6 MB.
Demikian sob ulasan yang saya share tentang QuickEdit Text Editor Pro Apk v1.2.2 Terbaru ini, semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat serta berguna buat kalian semua, dan nantikan postingan selanjutnya yang terbaru dan terupadate, sekian dan terimakasih atas kunjungannya di blog slametandroid.blogspot.com.
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